Oh, Canadians!
A Tribute to Canadians Who Make A Difference

Monday, June 14, 2010

Albert Bandura in his own words

Albert Bandura is one of the most influential psychologists of the century. His work on learning through imitation helped us to understand a great deal and he made contributions to many fields of psychology, including social cognitive theory, therapy and personality psychology. He was also influential in the transition between behaviorism and cognitive psychology. He is known as the originator of social learning theory and the theory of self-efficacy, and is also responsible for the influential 1961 Bobo Doll experiment. A 2002 survey ranked Bandura as the fourth most-frequently cited psychologist of all time, behind B.F. Skinner, Sigmund Freud, and Jean Piaget, and as the most cited living one. Bandura is widely described as the greatest living psychologist, and as one of the most influential psychologists of all time.
 He was born in 1925 in Mundare Alberta and has taught at Stamford in the USA decades.

Please move the video to start at about 4 minutes for his introduction or to 9 minutes for his talk.

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